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 Sunday schedule discussion

Session wants to know
your opinion on this

 Reply by Sunday, Sept. 15 

Swift Session would like your input on a topic we discussed recently — moving our Sunday schedule an hour later so that Sunday school would begin at 9 a.m. and worship would begin at 10. As we began to think about it, we noted:

     ● As a congregation we have discussed the hope that younger families will join us in the future. Often it is a challenge to get little ones ready for an earlier start on the weekends. This might be a way we can appeal to our preschool families.

     ● Some of our congregation needs a bit of extra time getting ready due to physical limitations and challenges. Missing worship is the unintended consequence of these hurdles and can disconnect them from friends.

     ● When we have fellowship events after the service, often we are having lunch at 10 a.m., and that can be a bit unusual — especially for a fish fry.

We would appreciate your input to this discussion as we listen to what God is calling us to do.

Please feel free to leave your thoughts by Sunday, Sept. 15, by emailing us at, using the form below, or by talking with a session member. Ruling elders are Chuck Carneal, Bill Garretson, Marvin King, Mark Melton, Daryl Pichoff, Susan Pichoff, Eunice Ray, Cathy Rogers, and Jan Taylor. The Rev. Alexandra Hutson is the moderator. We will discuss the input at our meeting the next afternoon.

Feel free to respond in the comment box below.

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23208 Swift Church Road
Foley, AL 36535
Phone: (251) 943-8367


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