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 Giving | Extravagant generosity
Online giving — how it works 

Now you can give to Swift Presbyterian Church online at any time, using your credit card, debit card or electronic transfers from your bank account. And you can do it safely and securely, through the Presbyterian Mission Exchange, a service of the Presbyterian Foundation. 

Members and friends of the church family may also choose to set up recurring gifts, which ensure that their giving continues even on Sundays when they are not able to attend worship services.

Just click on the “Give Now” link below and follow the simple, clear instructions for making a one-time or recurring gift. 

You will need to select the category/categories you would like to donate to:

►Building Fund ►Cemetery Fund ►General Fund ►Memorial Fund ►Mission Fund ►Outdoor Chapel Fund.

Every donation will be acknowledged by a receipt sent automatically to your email address by the foundation right after you donate. It is recommended that you save these email receipts so that you can check them against the individual amounts listed on the giving statements you receive from our church.

Please note that the Presbyterian Foundation assesses a fee on all gifts to cover its reasonable and customary costs of operation. The fee can change, but it is currently set at 1%. 

Also, gifts given by credit or debit card will incur a transaction fee to cover the additional credit-card transaction costs incurred by the foundation. This fee is currently a little below 3%.

Gifts using transfers from bank accounts are not subject to additional fees. Gifts using credit/debit cards will incur a transaction fee to process these gifts. This fee is the actual expense incurred by the foundation from a third-party vendor. The transaction fee is 2.598% + $0.26 per donation. For example:

     ● Credit/debit-card gift of $100 will add $96.14 to the church’s account.

     ● Electronic-funds-transfer recurring gift of $100/month ($1,200 a year) would add $1,188 to the church’s account.

The full amount of your online donations, as recorded in your email receipts, is tax-deductible. However, the church will receive only that amount less applicable fees. So, on those receipts, only the net amount will be shown. 

Online gifts are automatically acknowledged by the Presbyterian Mission Exchange as they are received.

All of your monetary gifts to Swift Presbyterian Church will be reflected on the quarterly and year-end statements that are issued by our treasurer. Make sure that you don’t also add your receipts to the church statements when you are compiling your income-tax information or you’ll be listing the figures twice. 

Clicking the button will take you
to our donation page on a secure site.


Quick-response code
Scan this two-dimensional barcode on your smart phone
and you will be directed to our secure donation site.

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• Presbytery of S. Alabama
• Synod of Living Waters


to bring

God joy


23208 Swift Church Road
Foley, AL 36535
Phone: (251) 943-8367


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