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 Mission and service
Missions in Africa 

Swift Church helps to support
two missionary couples in Africa

Swift Presbyterian Church helps to support the work of two Presbyterian missionary couples on the African continent: John and Gwenda Fletcher and Larry and Inge Sthreshley in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Click on the links for much more information about them and the work they do and read their newsletters.

Please put them in your thoughts and prayers as they do the Lord’s work.

Fletchers visit church and tell about their work
— and comment on Swift’s radical hospitality

The Fletchers visited our church on Feb. 14, 2016. They are wonderful people, and we enjoyed talking with them and hearing of  their experiences as a surgeon and educator in the Democratic Republic of Congo. They were very appreciative for the opportunity to come to visit our church, for the lodging and meals, and for the donation that we made to them. Some of their comments were that they felt our radical hospitality the moment they stepped into the church — and that they would now add Foley and Swift as a potential site and church for their retirement.

Mission connection slide show 

The pictures on the slide show are of nursing instruction at Good Shepherd Hospital, an operating room at Good Shepherd, Luse Katanda Elementary School at Katanda, and Tsina Elementary School at Lulebo.

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23208 Swift Church Road
Foley, AL 36535
Phone: (251) 943-8367


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