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 Passionate worship
to worship


Dec. 29 • 2024
First Sunday of Christmas

 ►Worship at 10 a.m. in the sanctuary,
     live-streaming on Facebook 

‘Search and You Will Find
— Mrs. Sarah Cornell,
guest preacher

Psalm 148  Luke 2:41–52

■ To join “live stream” worship, go to Facebook — Swift Presbyterian Church.

■ Worship services are available for viewing in the afternoon on the church website and YouTube.

■ Bulletins for today and recent weeks. Click here.

 ►Sunday school at 9 a.m. 

■ Adult Bible study class with Bill and Catherine in annex room 2

■ “Snacks with Susan and Daryl” in annex room 4

►Fellowship time 

Please join us after the worship service for visiting and refreshments in the fellowship hall.

 See you in church. Bring a friend. 


[• Sunday announcements]
[• Coming up...]       [• Interactive calendar]

 Looking ahead . . . 

 B ecause God is with you
all the time,
no place is any closer to God
than the place
where you are right now.

You are loved more than you know.

■ Our vision:
Striving to bring God joy

■ Our mission:
We proclaim Christ’s love and grace through serving and nurturing body, mind, and soul.

Food pantry update 

The food pantry is normally open every Wednesday from 10 to 11 a.m. to serve the community. However, with New Year’s Day falling on Wednesday, it will be open the same hours on Thursday, Jan. 2.

This week, 27 families, including 107 individuals, received food.

If you are interested in helping or know of someone who might be interested, please consider getting involved or at least share the opportunity to volunteer with others.

If you have questions or want to volunteer, please contact Jan Taylor (251.978.6418).

—  ——

     ►Connect with God.
     ►Connect with other believers.

Never underestimate
the power of prayer

No problem you might have
is too big for God to handle.

God is good all the time.


———— ———

 Remember the old rugged cross. 

The peace of Christ be with you—
—and also with you.
Passing the peace is a deeply theological practice of reconciliation not replicated in secular culture.
We greet each other in Christ, laying aside our differences — at least for the hour.

Want to comment on a service or sermon?

You can leave your remarks by clicking here.

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   Find us on


• Presbytery of S. Alabama
• Synod of Living Waters


to bring

God joy


23208 Swift Church Road
Foley, AL 36535
Phone: (251) 943-8367


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