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 Fellowship | Radical hospitality
Sunday morning fellowship time 

Most Sundays after worship;
here are opportunities for you to help

The fellowship deacons, Chris Rogers and Kathy Menk, would like to give you an opportunity to help out with Sunday fellowship time immediately after Sunday worship. We usually provide a sweet treat (doughnuts, cookies, cake, bread, bars, etc.) and a healthy treat (deviled eggs, cheese and crackers, assorted fruit and/or vegetable tray, etc.). Possibilities are not limited to these suggestions. And homemade is not a requirement. Store-bought goodies are just as appreciated as homemade. A sign-up sheet is provided in the fellowship hall if you would like to sign up to bring something.

Thank you in advance from the fellowship team.

Butterfly Girls and Guys Night Out 

Thursday, Oct. 17 • 6 p.m.

Hattie’s Soul Food Restaurant
15397-A Alabama Highway 59,
We hope you will mark your calendar for our monthly excuse for church family and friends to gather to enjoy fellowship over dinner. That excuse is Butterfly Girls and Guys Night Out.

The next gathering will be Thursday, Sept. 19, at 6 p.m. at Hattie’s Soul Food Restaurant. (Menu)

We go someplace different every month on the third Thursday, deciding each month where we’re going the next month. So come prepared with recommendations where you know that will take reservations for more than a handful each of men and women.

It’s not a club. If you are an adult and like to eat and enjoy some wonderful fellowship, this is for you. Ladies and gents sit at separate tables, so singles are definitely welcome and shouldn’t feel out of place because of not having a mate or a date. This is a great opportunity to get to know fellow church members better, as well as to invite folks who don’t have a church home to come meet new people and hopefully be encouraged to become a part of the Swift Presbyterian Church family.

How do you sign up to go? Contact Mary McNair by texting to 251-295-5267 or sending an email to Mary to Mary needs to know no later than that morning if you are coming or a strong maybe so she can reserve tables. However, if you find at the last minute that you can attend, come on. An extra spot or two is usually reserved. If you need a ride for any reason, make that need known by Wednesday so Mary can connect you with someone to come get you.

Come join the fun. We have a blast!

Lunch with ‘Two or More’ 

“Where two or three gather in my name,
there am I with them.”
 — Matthew 18:20

“Two or More,” a monthly ecumenical fellowship luncheon, open to all, has been suspended due to lack of participation in recent months. It can resume if enough interest is shown.

Gatherings were on the first Thursday of the month at 11:30 a.m. at a local restaurant.

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23208 Swift Church Road
Foley, AL 36535
Phone: (251) 943-8367


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