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 Comments on services
They said it . . .

     Dec. 15 Christmas program, ‘A Swift Christmas’:
“This Sunday’s program is the highlight of my Christmas. The music and service were fantastic. So good to see my Swift family and the Christmas program.” — Love, Stevie Walker

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     ‘Strolling Over Heaven’ lifted family’s sorrow June 2
“Swift Presbyterian Church lifted our sorrow by song. Jack Williams sang a solo in celebration of the late Cecil Gartman’s birthday June 6. He sang one of Dad’s favorite songs, ‘I Want To Stroll Over Heaven With You.’ Our heartfelt thank-you to Jenni Cain and Jack Williams for your time to learn this beautiful song and touching so many today at Swift.” — Becky Underwood

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     Veronica ‘Ronnie’ Hope’s memorial celebration on March 16:
“It was a party. It was a love fest — with pictures, balloons, flowers — to see all the people I love so much and have missed so. Where was the grief? Missing her for sure — but knowing she is with Our Lord, I will see her again and her suffering is over.

“[Pastor] Jody Beth’s memories of Ron were so right on. I so remember Ron with her arms folded. She had to be so tired at the end of the day! The night before Phil had bought dinner to us — and she also included a hotdog with the meal. (She knows me too well). At the reception following, there were also hot dogs. (I am the Hot Dog Lady!)

“Lisa sang with signs, Ron’s favorites. And [Pastor] Keith told of Ron putting her finger up and telling him ‘Shhhh!’ when he sang to her. So glad he knew Ron loved him. Church was a favorite part of her life, and I can never thank all enough for returning that love to her.” — Nancy Hope (Ronnie’s mom)


     Christmas music and worship celebration on Dec. 16:
“We had such a wonderful experience with your musical program last Sunday. We enjoyed every moment. Please thank everyone who contributed to making it happen. We wish you all a very happy Christmas and all the very best for 2019.” — J.M. and A.M.

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     Pastor Keith’s Christmas Eve sermon, ‘Gifts That Keep On Giving’
“This was one of his best sermons ever.” — J.W.


     Worship service/Christmas variety show on Dec. 10:
“I experienced Christmas early last Sunday. I was able to go to church with our Bella, thanks to the help of my daughter and a good friend. My heart is still singing as I recall all the talented people who put on the special worship. The children and adults who participated were amazing as they sang and those who provided the music. Thank you, dear Swift family. You are awesome. Blessings, Stevie.” — S.W.

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     ‘A super Sunday at Swift’ on June 18:
Today was a super Sunday at Swift Presbyterian Church. Jody Beth Melton all the time shows what a caring person she is, and a take-charge person, and a thought-provoking preacher. And today we found that her husband is the same. What a pair they make. Loved hearing Phil’s walk — witness — and turned out Swift and a faithful family were responsible for keeping him on goal.

“That and acolytes, and great ushers (don’t know how old, but I think 6 on our side and she also wore a ‘greeter’ pin), she could have taught the classes for those jobs. No doubt years from now her story will be so similar to Phil’s.” — N.H.

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     Take-Out Church boxes for youngsters, distributed in June
“Thank you for the Bible school box. The girls loved them and especially the prayer cubes.” — A worship guest

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      Pentecost Sunday 
  The Rev. Rachael Knoll preached the sermon on June 4, ‘Power of the Spirit’
“It was great to have the Rev. Rachael Knoll [regional presbyter for the Presbytery of South Alabama and the Presbytery of Mississippi] preach yesterday.” — K.C.     [sermon]

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     Maundy Thursday service
Comments were received by the church office via email about how beautiful and moving and meaningful the whole service was. “[It] made these scriptures that I have read all my life come to life.”  — M.H.


     Pastor Keith Cardwell’s Dec. 4 sermon: ‘Meeting God on the Interstate’
“I loved reading this [on the church website].” — J.H.     [sermon]

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     Pastor Jody Beth Melton’s Oct. 16 sermon: ‘God Will Not Discard You’
“I read the great sermon Jody Beth preached on marriage and God’s grace with much interest as I have seen her spiritual growth for more than a decade. What a testimony of love — from God, and back from Jody Beth to God, and then Phil and Jody Beth together. I am reminded of Philippians 1:6 — God, who began a good work, will be faithful to complete it — and now, for over 10 years, God and Jody Beth are continuing the working out of that new creation. I know the same is the case with Phil. Praise God for the blessings of knowing these two disciples of Jesus Christ.” — T.F.     [sermon]

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     Sept. 11 Youth Sunday service: ‘A World of Difference’
Our youth made us all very proud of them today. They did a fantastic, inspiring service and put their hearts and souls into it. We need not worry about our future with such promising youth in our church family.” — S.W.

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     Pastor Keith Cardwell’s Aug. 28 sermon: ‘All Are Invited and Welcome’
“In this statement, for all (grown-ups, too, if you can read to the third sentence), exactly: ‘Schoolchildren, remember you are always welcome at God’s table, no matter what. And other kids are also. Remember that at work. And in volunteering and even at church.’ ►Keep posting these, Greg. You have a good pastor and his reach is longer because of you.... I’ve been impressed, especially as he (and you) have been sensitively and quietly (though profoundly to those who would listen) spreading Jesus’ Good Word in places where it might have gotten a little twisted.” — N.W.      [sermon]

 The comments came from a man in New England, in response to Swift’s website editor/manager, Greg McNair, posting the weekly sermon from the church online and sharing a link so that his Facebook friends and others (through a “public” view setting) can read the pastor’s message if they are interested. They can explore the website further, read other sermons in the archive and find out more about Swift Presbyterian Church and its mission.

I invite other people to consider sharing these weekly sermon links to our website via social media and email, too. Who can say what the impact might be? — G.M.

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     Pastor Keith Cardwell’s four-week sermon series on ‘Family and Faith’
“I thought the ‘faith and family’ series was really good. Thank you.” — S.A.L.

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“I have been overwhelmed by this sermon series.” — N.H.      [sermon 4] [sermon 3] [sermon 2] [sermon 1]
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     Pastor Keith Cardwell’s June 19 sermon, ‘I Wonder…’
“Pastor Keith was full of ‘I wonders’ today. My big wonder would be why our heavenly father puts up with me. He does. May He never stop.” — N.H.      [sermon]

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“Good sermon — glad we were there at Swift.” — J.C.

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     June 12 service and Pastor Jody Beth Melton’s sermon, ‘Salvation Tug of War’
I love Sunday. Went in church and saw a couple of visitors. We talked a few minutes and they asked me about Swift — how long had I been here, why do I come? I just said it is a caring church. It’s a family. [After I left them, I] was kicking myself. Couldn’t I have done better? Well, later after Carolyn Bennett, Mary McNair and Ginny Kleinschmidt had their say [with words of thanksgiving and a follow-up report on the Montreat Youth Conference] — I just felt like the visitors had to be saying ‘Guess that lady was right.’ And add to that was Jody Beth Melton’s sermon — good job.” — N.H.

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     Pastor Keith Cardwell’s June 5 sermon, ‘God Called Me Through His Grace’
Wish I could have been there to hear the sermon. I have read it and I fully understand where Pastor Keith is coming from and how God ‘calls’ ministers to His service. Thank you, Pastor Keith.” — J.C.

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“This was another passionate sermon from our pastor.” — G.M.

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     Pastor Keith Cardwell’s May 29 sermon, ‘Only One Gospel’
“Our pastor’s sermon yesterday offered much food for thought. I have shared links to it from the church website on my and my wife’s Facebook pages.” — G.M.

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      Pentecost Sunday 
     Pastor Keith Cardwell’s May 15 sermon, ‘Up to the Highest Height’

“Who would ever have thought of using a kite to illustrate Pentecost? Yet after reading your pastor’s sermon [on the Swift Church website after a link was shared on Facebook], it makes perfect sense.” — C.T.H.

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     Lauren Peters’ April 24 sermon, ‘The Place Where God Is’
“Rev. Lauren gave a very meaningful sermon this morning. We were all blessed.” — S.W.

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     Holy Humor Sunday April 3 at Swift Presbyterian Church
       ‘A Time for Us To Laugh’

“Just returned from church and the service was fantabulous! So much work put into having this meaningful service by our pastor, the church staff, the choir and many volunteers and we all appreciate it. I came home with ‘joy, joy, joy down in my heart!’ God blessed us all.” — S.W.        [sermon]

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“If you weren’t at Swift yesterday, you missed it. Holy Humor Sunday was a rip-snorter.

“The devil was the champ Good Friday, and Jesus arose the winner Easter Sunday.

“I was overcome with what I knew had to have been so much work to get the service like it was. This was when we needed to have a video of the service.” — N.H.

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      Holy week services — 2016 
“We were unable to attend the Friday night service [during Holy Week], but we attended Thursday and Sunday and they were a blessing. Just beautiful. Thank you.” — D.S.        [Easter Sunday sermon]

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“Just wanted to let our music director at Swift Presbyterian Church, Lisa Cardwell, and our handbell choir know that you brought such a beautiful message of God’s love through the music today. The choir as well. And, so he doesn’t get his feelings hurt ... Pastor Keith Cardwell presented a fantastic sermon, too. Looking forward to next week.” — P.B.

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“Beautiful song [“What Wondrous Love”] and well rendered by handbell and chancel choir at Swift Presbyterian Church Good Friday Service.” — J.C.

Comments on services are welcomed and appreciated. 

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• Synod of Living Waters


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God joy


23208 Swift Church Road
Foley, AL 36535
Phone: (251) 943-8367


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