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    January 2021


    a church that practices fruitful living

    Passionate worship 


    ►Worship in the New Year 

    With colder weather, we will plan to worship in the sanctuary each Sunday.

    Jan. 1 — New Year’s Day worship
    in the sanctuary
    9 a.m. with communion (no breakfast)

    The Season of Epiphany
    Epiphany season begins twelve days after Christmas, on Jan. 6, and continues until the Sunday before Ash Wednesday. This year, the season covers six Sundays. Each Sunday centers upon events and readings from the ministry of Jesus, all of them concentrating on the seasonal theme: God, in Jesus Christ, personally appeared on earth, revealing himself to us (epiphany) directly rather than through any chosen messenger. During this Epiphany season sermons, hymns, anthems, and prayers focus on Jesus Christ.


    The Swift Church session met via Zoom on Dec. 21.

    ■ We discussed the increase in property insurance — up 30% or 2021. The trustees will examine our current policy against other agencies to see where we are with coverage and price.

    ■ Approved congregational meeting on Jan. 3 for the election of church officers. This will be just prior to the 10:00 in-person worship.

    Elder nominees — Susan Pichoff, Chuck Carneal, Joe Walden
    Deacon nominees — Karen Langley, Judy Walker
    Trustee nominee — Kim Whitchard

    ■ approved ordination/installation of officers for Jan. 10, 2021

    ■ emoved Vina Tanner from the membership roll.

    The meeting closed with prayer.

    The next meeting is Jan. 18 at 6:30 p.m.

    ►Congregational meeting 

    The Swift Church session has called a congregational meeting for Jan. 3 prior to 10:00 in-person worship for the election of church officers listed above.

    Once elected, they will be installed into their position on Jan. 10.

    ►Celebrating Christmas with pictures 

    Rather than just celebrating Christmases past, we have decided to also include Christmas present.

    We will celebrate the holidays with a virtual collage of pictures you take this Christmas or photos from Christmases past of your loved ones and families. To be included, send one picture, with the names of those pictured.

    The collage will be part of the worship service on Jan. 10 and then posted on Facebook and YouTube. Please send your pictures to Pastor Jody Beth via email at or text to 251-213-6625 by this Tuesday, Jan. 5.


     Lisa Cardwell | music director 

    Many thanks to everyone who was a part of our online Christmas program. It was such a pleasure to watch so many people come together safely to lead us in worship of the Christ child.

    The handbell choir will get back to rehearsals in January as long as it is safe to do so.

    Please, everyone, wear your masks, socially distance, and stay home if you are not feeling well.

    Radical hospitality 
    ►Fellowship groups 

    As you know, unfortunately, our “Two or More” fellowship lunch and Butterfly Girls and Guys Night Out have been canceled until we can all get together again without the fear of spreading this pandemic. Hopefully, it will be safe to get back together again soon.

    Mission and service 


     Pate Cardwell and Al Sprouse | mission elders 

    Food pantry
    In December, the pantry helped 22 families, which included 62 individuals.

    The food pantry will be open on Jan. 13 and Jan. 27. If you are interested in helping with filling bags or to work while the food pantry is open in January, please contact Dorothy Warren at 251-424-5117.

    Presbyterian Home for Children
    Swift Church contributed $725 to the Presbyterian Home for Children, which was our “moment for missions” in December.

    ►Online GriefShare groups 

    “GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone.”

    There are online GriefShare groups meeting, and several of them are with churches in our area. If you think of someone who may be interested, or if you yourself are grieving the loss of a loved one, contact Pastor Jody Beth or visit

    Intentional faith development 


    ►Online Zoom Bible study 

    ■ Exodus study to conclude this month
    The Thursday morning online Bible study will meet Jan. 7, 14, 21, and 28, from 10 to 11:30 a.m. to complete the Exodus study they began in 2020. Zoom links will be emailed to those who have been in the study, and joiners are welcome.

    We will begin with ‘Week 10: Covenant Violation, Intercession, and Renewal,” page 75 in the study book, and Exodus 32:1–34:35 in the Bible.

    “I will take you as my own people, and I will be your God.”
    — Exodus 6:7

    ■ Next study topic: ‘The Season of Lent’
    The season of Lent is a time of prayer, fasting and self-examination in preparation for the celebration of the resurrection of the Lord at Easter. It is a period of 40 days — like the flood of Genesis, Moses’ sojourn at Mount Sinai, Elijah’s journey to Mount Horeb, Jonah’s call to Ninevah to repent and Jesus’ time of testing in the wilderness. (The Sundays in Lent are not counted in this reckoning of the time between Ash Wednesday and Easter, as every Lord’s Day is a celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.) —

    Come journey with fellow believers this Lenten season. Beginning Feb. 11, Pastor Jody Beth and Philip will be leading “The Season of Lent” as an online Bible study. We will meet on Zoom Thursdays from 10 to 11:30 a.m.

    Contact Pastor Jody Beth for more information about either of these online studies: jodybeth7@yahoo.com251-213-6625.

    ►Cheryl’s adult Sunday school class 

    Thank you so much for your patience as I work to get my situation with my house underway. I’m still fighting the insurance company for more money for water damage in attic. I have decisions to make as to whether I repair, rebuild or sell. Thanks so much for your continued prayers. Please join “Snacks with Susan and Daryl” while I am working through this situation.

    — Cheryl Jensen

    ►‘Snacks with Susan and Daryl’
    adult Sunday school class 

    We will not meet this Sunday, Jan. 3. We will meet again on Jan. 10 at 9 a.m. in the fellowship hall.

    A new series, featuring Dr. Amy-Jill Levine, will take a detailed and colorful overview of Matthew 5–7, collectively known as Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount.

    Through Dr. Levine’s engaging method of biblical interpretation, class participants should come away with a solid understanding of the Sermon on the Mount in its historical and theological context.

    We invite you to join us.

    — Susan and Daryl Pichoff

    ►Children and youth 

     Brett Cardwell | elder/children  Tracy Akins | elder/youth 

    Sunday school classes for children and youth,
    SWAG (Saved with Amazing Grace),
    GphiG (Glori•fy•ing God), and Refuel will not meet until further notice.

    Extravagant generosity 
    ►Please remember to give 

    Generosity describes the Christian’s unselfish willingness to give in order to make a positive difference for the purposes of Christ. Extravagant generosity describes practices of sharing and giving that exceed all expectations and extend to unexpected measures.

    Thank you for your generous pledges and ongoing offerings. Your financial support will enable Swift Church ministry to plan for the coming year. Your support and commitment to our church is greatly appreciated.

    ►About online giving 

    Using your “smart phone” and this box you can connect to the church’s online giving page. You can set up for automatic donations of your tithes or one-time gifts to a number of funds benefiting ministries of Swift Church. Use this by either entering your credit/debit card information or your checking account information. Of course, this is a secure website.

    You can also do the same thing by clicking a donation link on the church’s website.

    Swift Church Preschool 

    School telephone: 251-943-8367

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    • Presbytery of S. Alabama
    • Synod of Living Waters


    to bring

    God joy


    23208 Swift Church Road
    Foley, AL 36535
    Phone: (251) 943-8367


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