LET’S USE THIS VIDEO as a metaphor for our scripture reading today.
Suppose the boat represents the church. There’s historical support for that. The center portion of a sanctuary is called a “nave.” It’s from the Latin word for “boat.” I suppose it’s the source of the word “navy.” So, pretend Swift Church is a boat. Not a big ocean vessel, but a boat, this boat in the video. And we, members of the church, are riding in the boat on the river. We’re moving right along enjoying the scenery. Minding our own business. In fact, we, in the boat, are a family. Different ages. Just riding along. Happy and laughing and having a good time. We don’t need anything or anyone else. Life is good.
Now, use your imagination that the fish in this video are people. Jesus made that reference. We’ve been called, like Simon, Andrew, James and John to fish for people. And here we are with fish-people launching all around. Like a missile shot from a cannon. Something’s not right in their lives. They jump up and down. Anxious, stressed-out. Their life has changed. Their comfort has been challenged. Disrupted.
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SO, WE’RE IN THE BOAT-CHURCH puttering along, The fish-people are jumping all around. And we speed right on by them. We don’t stop the boat. We don’t get out a net or a rod and try to catch them. We putter along our merry old way. Laughing, enjoying our ride. Talking about all the people in need. Praying for all the people floundering and in need of the boat-church.
Occasionally, one of the fish-people lands in the boat-church and we celebrate. We whoop and holler, we get all excited. And we should be. After all, it’s not every day that someone flops into the church. A few flop onto the deck, bounce around and flop right back out. Some soar in and stay. And we feel good about ourselves, about our boat ride.
But, if you notice, hundreds of fish-people jump around and do not land in the boat. They are there. They are close by. They leap through the air like a salmon swimming upstream. But the folks in the boat-church, you and I, make no attempt to catch them, to pull them in, to help them. Their lives are disrupted, fearful, challenged. People try to jump on board and we just rev the motor and go on our merry way, content as a family to be out on the water celebrating God’s goodness and creation.
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THAT’S NOT THE WAY Jesus intends for us to fish for people. Next week we will ride in the boat-church with Jesus and learn how to be people catchers.
— Keith Cardwell