I LOVE THIS STORY about the day Jesus climbed into the boat with fishermen. I suspect some of you have heard this passage of Scripture interpreted enough times that you could preach today’s sermon. So … if I lose you, simply stay with the Bible text and listen to your heart’s own thoughts on the story.
I call this “Fishing Lessons.” I do know a little bit about fishing. I know what a pole is, how to tie a knot to attach a hook, can bait my own hook and take the fish off the hook myself (except for catfish and bullheads).
I grew up in Michigan, knowing that my grandpa and my mother liked to fish in the little fresh water lakes around our county. I did my own share of fishing in my young adult years. I recall a day in our rowboat, when the fish would bite as soon as you dropped a line in the water. We hauled in bluegill and sunfish bigger than my hand, one after another … . It was a great day on the lake and at the dinner table later . Not every fishing adventure goes that way!
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SO, BACK TO JESUS and the fishermen: Imagine life in that boat with a group of “professional fishermen” who couldn’t catch a fish! They were not happy campers. Then, Jesus speaks up with advice. Jesus — the carpenter — is going to teach them something about fishing?
“Go out to deeper water.” When in life has Jesus invited you to go to deeper water?
Is this what we expect from Jesus? When we feel frustrated, feel like a failure, want to take our wagon and go home, are ready to quit … . Is this the time we hear Jesus say, “don’t give up now…” Try bigger!
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SKEPTICAL SIMON says: Well, we fished all night and caught nothing … . But if you say so, we will do so! That is the faith statement every Christian is challenged to echo at some point in following Jesus. If you say so, I will go … . I will do it.
You know the rest of the story. Simon Peter, with Jesus, not only caught so many fish the nets nearly broke.
A double bonus occurred. The other fishermen on shore, watching, were so convinced, they then put their boats in the water and came out to join in this greatest fishing adventure of all time.
One person’s faithful following of Jesus can often give others courage to follow as well.
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IN OUR STORIES OF JESUS, until now, Jesus acted alone. Here … Jesus begins to call others to join him and shows them the possibilities in their language as fishermen.
What is it to be a disciple, to be a learner, to follow Jesus, to involve others? We begin to learn here that Christianity is a team sport. It is not each one for himself or herself.
We learn a lot about discipleship in this story. To be a disciple is to follow Jesus. Every person in this church who said yes to a task or area of ministry is being a disciple — a follower of Jesus You are not doing the work as a favor to your pastor, or a favor to others. You are first and always, saying yes to Jesus. It is the way the church works — Jesus will not do all the work alone.
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NOW, MORE THAN EVER, your commitment to Christ will bless the church and others — will make a way for continued “fishing for people.” Because the senior pastor retired, does not mean that now is your time to stop being in your ministry together.
In looking at your church’s website to glean a sense of who you are, I was pleased to see that you have organized ministries around the Five Practices of Fruitful Churches. Your newsletter shares the way you are riding the wave of God’s transformation through these five ways:
■ Radical hospitality
■ Passionate worship
■ Intentional faith development
■ Risk-taking mission and service
■ Extravagant generosity.
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FRIENDS, DON’T STOP NOW. Let Jesus into the boat with you — keep on fishing. Trust that even in a season of searching for a pastor, Christ is with you. Your perseverance, your faithfulness will help others find their way.
Every good disciple, I think, feels inadequate for the job. — even pastors. If we are too sure of our ability, there is no need for Jesus in the boat! Paul felt unfit. Peter, in today’s story, feels too sinful in the presence of Jesus. The fishermen felt like an incompetent bunch of yahoos. Yet … God used each one to build the kingdom of heaven here on earth.
One commentary said, “God’s call is always unpredictable and unmerited.” **
God’s call has everything to do with who God is. We only need to be willing to say yes.
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WHERE HAS JESUS called you? What is the deeper water he may lead you to for the sake of others?
Listening in worship — in person or at home — are people who will hear this story in different ways. Maybe you are listening as a leader or committee worker, or listening as one seeking God’s direction for your future — not knowing where to go fishing; maybe you are one who feels like Jesus forgot you.
Maybe you feel like you can’t possibly bait a hook or touch a fish. Surprise … Jesus will put someone in the boat with you who can! Remember — this is a team sport!
Know this: You are never in the boat alone.
In closing, hear these verses of assurance from Psalm 138: 7–8.
When we feel inadequate, it is alright. Jesus will be in the boat, with us, and if we listen, and obey, the boat will float, the fish will bite, you will be amazed and all will be abundantly blessed.
**Interpreters, pg. 118