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 Sunday announcements

Nov. 10 • 2024
25th Sunday after Pentecost

►10 a.m. in the chapel 

Proclaiming the Word
— Scripture and Songs

■ To join “live stream” worship, go to Facebook — Swift Presbyterian Church.

■ Worship services are available for viewing in the afternoon on the church website and YouTube.

■ Bulletins for today and recent weeks. Click here.

►Fellowship time 

Join us for fellowship in the fellowship hall immediately after the morning worship service.

If you would like to help the deacons provide fellowship treats (either a sweet or a protein or a fruit), please sign the list on the table in the fellowship hall, or contact Kathy Menk, 251-518-7966.

God is good all the time.

Dates to remember . . . 

■ Intercessory prayer group meets each Wednesday at 9 a.m. in the chapel.

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.

— Ephesians 6:18, NIV

Our food pantry is open to serve the community each Wednesday from 10 to 11 a.m.

■ Presbytery meeting — Tuesday, Nov. 12, from 9 a.m. to noon at Providence Presbyterian Church, Mobile.

■ Worship committee — Tuesday, Nov. 12, at 4 p.m. in annex room 2

■ Buildings and grounds committee — Tuesday, Nov. 12, at 5 p.m. annex room 2

■ Finance committee — Wednesday, Nov. 13, at 12:30 p.m. in annex room 2

■ Preschool board — Wednesday, Nov. 13, at 2:30 p.m. in annex room 2

■ Deacons meeting — Thursday, Nov. 14, at 10 a.m. in the fellowship hall

■ Session meeting — Monday, Nov. 18, at 4:30 p.m. in the fellowship hall

■ Tuesday, Nov. 19 — Informational meeting about starting a Presbyterian women’s circle for the coastal Baldwin churches, 10 a.m. at First Presbyterian Church, Foley. For more information, contact Pat Taylor at 828-289-7247.

►Key Christmas market dates 

Sunday, Nov. 10 — Turn in all raffle tickets, sold and unsold with money. Raffle tickets will be sold during Christmas Market until 4 p.m. when the winners are drawn.

Thursday, Nov. 14 — All non-perishable items must be in the fellowship hall by noon. If you wish to price your own items, have the price attached to the item when you deliver on Nov. 14. If you do not price your items, the committee will assign prices.

Friday, Nov. 15 — Perishable items must be delivered to the fellowship hall by noon. These items must be priced when you deliver.

►Poinsettias for the chancel 

Poinsettia orders are being taken in remembrance of or to honor your loved ones. The colorful potted plants will be displayed in the sanctuary through Christmas Eve and may be taken home after the service. Please complete the order form on our website or use the printed form available in the fellowship hall by Sunday, Nov. 24, and place it in the offering plate or return to the church office, along with your cash or check payable to Swift Presbyterian Church. Make a note on your check “for poinsettia.” The suggested charge is $9 per plant.


Come join in this very special Christmas celebration and time of fellowship and caroling. The banquet is for all ages and our church will have the entire venue. All who consider themselves members of Swift Church are invited to attend, and guests are also invited.

Everyone will pay for their own meal at the banquet. The price, including tax and gratuity, will be approximately as follows:
      Adults and youth 13 years and older: $31.14
      Children ages 5 to 12: $15.60
      Children up to 4 years old eat free.

Reservations are required and must be made with Mary McNair by Monday, Dec. 4. A sign-up sheet will be available after worship and during fellowship, or you can call or text Mary all names of those attending in your party to 251-295-5267 or

■ Read the full story.

Mission and service 
►Food pantry 

The food pantry is open every Wednesday from 10 to 11 a.m. to serve the community.

This week, we served 80 families, including 303 people.

If you are interested in helping or know of someone who might be interested, please consider getting involved or at least share the opportunity to volunteer with others.

If you have questions or want to volunteer, please contact Jan Taylor (251‑978‑6418).

Faith development 
►‘Snacks with Susan and Daryl’ discussion class 

You fear you won’t make it through. We all do. We fear that the depression will never lift, the yelling will never stop, the pain will never leave. In the pits, surrounded by steep walls and aching reminders, we wonder: Will this gray sky ever brighten? This load ever lighten?

Join Snacks with Susan and Daryl on Sunday mornings for a new series by Max Lucado, “You’ll Get Through This (Hope and Help for Your Turbulent Times).” The class meets at 9:00 in annex room 4.

►Adult Bible study class, led by Bill and Catherine 

Join us as we continue our study of the book of Exodus.

We meet on Sundays at 9 a.m. in annex room 2.

►Youth Sunday school class, led by Sheree Waters 

Join us as we study the Bible together. We meet at 9 a.m. in annex room 3.

►Tithes and offerings 

Thank you for your generous pledges and ongoing offerings. Your support and commitment to Swift Church is greatly appreciated.

Thank you to Jim and Linda Runtz, who placed flags
on the graves of the veterans buried in our cemetery
in honor of Veterans Day.

 Prayers and joys 
►Please let us know . . . 

Please call the church or email to notify us of any joys or concerns; birthdays, anniversaries, health issues or family deaths so that we may put it in the weekly emailed announcements for your church family to pray with you or to praise God for your joy. (We don’t publish personal prayer concerns on the website.)


          ■ Bill Garretson thanked everyone who worked on the church work day, cleaning the buildings and grounds.

          ■ Visitors in worship — Deidra Smith with Linda and Jim Runtz and a friend with Sue Johnson

          ■ Elinor Gartman in worship today 

          ■ Beautiful music by the handbell choir and soloist Monica Reilly

►Please remember our military friends
and families in your prayers. 

Names are listed in the monthly newsletter.

►Chancel flowers 

If you would like to place flowers on the chancel to honor or celebrate a loved one or a special occasion or “just because,” please contact Susie Alexander at 217-246-4051.

►Volunteers for worship 

Are you willing to serve as a liturgist, acolyte or greeter/usher? Contact Marvin King or Eunice Ray, worship elders.

►Church staff and contact information 

The Rev. Alexandra Hutson
Friday is her sabbath day of rest.

Swift Church staff
Sena Cooper, office assistant
Stephanie Craft, office assistant

Swift Church Preschool
Jessica Hammontree, director
Preschool website

   Find us on


• Presbytery of S. Alabama
• Synod of Living Waters


to bring

God joy


23208 Swift Church Road
Foley, AL 36535
Phone: (251) 943-8367


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