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 2023 worship service videos
Online worship

Dec. 31

Our video broadcasting didn’t work, but here is a link to an audio recording on our website:

• Dec. 31 worship service (preached by Chaplain Kendall Loper)

Christmas Eve

Our video broadcasting failed, but here are links to audio files on our website:

Dec. 24 morning sermon (preached by Sarah Cornell)

Entire evening service (preached by the Rev. Bert Tuggle)

Welcome to worship
at Swift Presbyterian Church of Foley, Alabama.
Thank you for worshiping with us today.

All are invited to join us in person.

►Earlier 2023 services 

Dec. 17: ‘How Jesus Views the Poor’
Luke 4:14–21

Dec. 10: ‘Prepare the Way of the Lord’
Isaiah 40:1–11  Mark 1:1–8

Dec. 3: ‘Bethlehem’
Genesis 35:16–18  Luke 2:8–20

Nov. 26: ‘Sovereignty and Faithfulness of God’
Ephesians 1:15–23  Matthew 25:31–46

Nov. 19: ‘The Day of the Lord’
1 Thessalonians 5:1–11  Matthew 25:14–30

Nov. 12: ‘Gettin’ Ready’
Psalm 78:1–7  Matthew 25:1–13

Nov. 5: All Saints Sunday
Psalm 107:1–9  Matthew 5:1–6

Oct. 29: 22nd Sunday after Pentecost
Psalm 90:1–6  Matthew 22:34–46

Oct. 22: ‘Sir, We Want To See Jesus’
Job 37:1–5  John 12:20–29

Oct. 15: ‘The Art of Worrying’
Psalm 106:1–6,19–23  Philippians 4:1–9

Oct. 8: ‘The Covenant’
Exodus 20:1–4,7–9,12–20  Matthew 21:33–46

Oct. 1: ‘A Community-Forming Word’
Exodus 17:1–7  Philippians 2:1–13

Sept. 24: ‘The Equity of Eternity’
Matthew 20:1–16

Sept. 17: ‘Twice Blessed’
 Romans 14:1–12  Matthew 18:21–35

Sept. 15: Shirley E. Hughes
 A Witness to the Resurrection

Sept. 10, 2023
 Psalm 149  Matthew 18:15–20

Sept. 3: ‘Good News From the Burning Bush’
Exodus 3:1–15  Matthew 16:13–20

Aug. 27: ‘What a Gift!’
Romans 12:1–9a,13

Aug. 20: ‘Branches in the Tree of Life’
 Romans 11:1–2a,29–32 • Matthew 15:21–28

Aug. 13: ‘The Formula for Faith’
Romans 10:5–15

Aug. 12: Lois Penfold
A Witness to the Resurrection

Aug. 6: ‘The Miracle Business’
Psalm 17:8–15  Matthew 14:13–21

July 30: ‘What Then Are We To Say...’
Psalm 105:1–11,45b Romans 8:26–39

July 23: ‘God, the Promise Keeper’
Psalm 139:1–18,23–24  Genesis 28:10–19a

July 16: ‘Takin’ a Chance’
Psalm 119:105–112  Matthew 13:1–9,18–25

July 9: ‘Rest for the Weary’
Isaiah 40:28–31  Matthew 11:25–30

July 2: ‘The Father’s Love’
Genesis 22:1–14  John 10:15–18

June 25: ‘Dead or Alive?’
Psalm 86:1–10  Matthew 10:32–39

June 18: ‘God’s Surprise’
Genesis 18:1–15  Hebrews 13:1–2

June 11: Second Sunday after Pentecost
Genesis 12:1–9  Matthew 9:9–13,18–26

June 4: Trinity Sunday
Genesis 1:1–2:4a  Matthew 28:6–20

May 28: Day of Pentecost
Acts 2:1–21  John 7:37–39

May 21: Seventh Sunday of Easter
Acts 1:6–14  John 17:1–11

May 14: Sixth Sunday of Easter
Acts 17:22–31  John 14:15–21

May 7: Fifth Sunday of Easter
1 Peter 2:2–10  John 14:1–14

April 30: Fourth Sunday of Easter
Acts 2:42–47  John 10:1–10

April 23: Third Sunday of Easter
Psalm 116:1–4,12–19  Luke 24:13–35

April 16: Second Sunday of Easter
Psalm 16  John 20:19–31

April 9: Easter Sunday
Jeremiah 31:1–6  John 20:1–18

April 7: Good Friday
Various Scriptures

April 2: Palm/Passion Sunday
Psalm 118:1–2  Matthew 21:1–11

March 26: Fifth Sunday in Lent
Ezekiel 37:1–14  John 11:1–45

March 19: Fourth Sunday in Lent
John 9

March 12: Third Sunday in Lent
Psalm 95:1–7  John 4:5–42

March 5: Second Sunday in Lent
Exodus 17:1–7  John 3:1–17

Feb. 26: First Sunday in Lent
Psalm 32  Matthew 4:1–11

Feb. 22: Ash Wednesday
Isaiah 58:1–12

Feb. 19: Transfiguration of the Lord
Exodus 24:12–18  Matthew:17:1–9

Feb. 12: Sixth Sunday after Epiphany
Deuteronomy 30:15–20  Matthew 5:21–27

Feb. 5: Fifth Sunday after Epiphany
Isaiah 58:1–12  Matthew 5:13–20

Jan. 29: Fourth Sunday after Epiphany
Micah 6:1–8  Matthew 5:1–12

Jan. 22: Third Sunday after Epiphany
Isaiah 9:1–4  Matthew 4:12–23

Jan. 15: Second Sunday after Epiphany
Psalm 40:1–11  John 1:29–42

Jan. 8: Baptism of the Lord
Isaiah 42:1–9 Matthew 3:13–17

Jan. 1: New Year’s Day
Isaiah 63:7–9 Matthew 2:13–23

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• Presbytery of S. Alabama
• Synod of Living Waters


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God joy


23208 Swift Church Road
Foley, AL 36535
Phone: (251) 943-8367


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